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StickerPack ⇐ Base

Represents a sticker pack.

Kind: global class
Extends: Base

new StickerPack([data], client)

Constructs a new instance of the class.

[data]ObjectThe data object containing the properties for the instance.
clientClientThe client object.

stickerPack.fetch() ⇒ Promise.<(Sticker|null)>

Fetches the nitro pack with the specified ID from the client’s nitro packs.

Kind: instance method of StickerPack
Returns: Promise.<(Sticker|null)> - A promise that resolves to the found nitro pack or null if not found.

stickerPack.bannerURL(options) ⇒ string | null

Retrieves the URL of the banner image for the sticker pack.

Kind: instance method of StickerPack
Returns: string | null - The URL of the banner image, or null if the bannerAssetId is not set.

optionsObjectThe options for the banner image.
options.sizestringThe desired size of the banner image.
options.formatstringThe desired format of the banner image.