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Class representing an embed object for use in Discord messages.

Kind: global class

new Embed(options)

Create a new Embed object.

Returns: Object - - The new Embed object.

optionsObjectThe options to use for the Embed object.
[options.title]stringThe title of the embed.
[options.color]numberThe color of the embed.
[]ObjectThe author of the embed.
[]stringThe name of the author.
[]stringThe image of the author.
[options.url]stringThe URL of the embed.
[options.description]stringThe description of the embed.
[options.image]stringThe image of the embed.
[options.footer]ObjectThe footer of the embed.
[options.footer.text]stringThe text of the footer.
[options.footer.image]stringThe image of the footer.
[options.timestamp]stringThe timestamp of the embed.
[options.thumbnail]stringThe thumbnail of the embed.
[options.fields]ArrayThe fields of the embed.