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GuildDiscovery ⇐ Base

Represents a guild’s discovery metadata.

Kind: global class
Extends: Base

new GuildDiscovery(data, guildId, client)

dataObjectThe data for the guild discovery metadata
guildIdSnowflakeThe ID of the guild this discovery metadata belongs to
clientClientThe instantiating client

guildDiscovery.partial : boolean

Whether or not this guild discovery object is partial.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

guildDiscovery.about : string

The about section of the guild discovery.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

guildDiscovery.guildId : Snowflake

The ID of the guild.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

guildDiscovery.categoryIds : Array.<string>

The category IDs of the guild discovery.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

guildDiscovery.emojiDiscoverabilityEnabled : boolean

Whether or not emoji discoverability is enabled.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

guildDiscovery.published : boolean

Whether or not the guild discovery is published.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

guildDiscovery.keywords : Array.<string>

The keywords associated with the guild discovery.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

guildDiscovery.partnerActionedAt : Date

The date the guild was partner actioned.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

guildDiscovery.partnerActionedTimestamp : number

The timestamp of when the guild was partner actioned.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

guildDiscovery.partnerApplicationAt : Date

The date the guild applied for partnership.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

guildDiscovery.partnerApplicationTimestamp : number

The timestamp of when the guild applied for partnership.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

guildDiscovery.primaryCategoryId : GuildPrimaryCategory

The primary category ID of the guild discovery.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

guildDiscovery.reasonsToJoin : Array.<string>

The reasons to join the guild.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

The social links associated with the guild discovery.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery

guildDiscovery.guild ⇒ Guild

Returns the guild associated with this discovery metadata.

Kind: instance property of GuildDiscovery
Returns: Guild - The guild object.

guildDiscovery.fetch() ⇒ Promise.<DiscoveryMetadata>

Fetches the discovery metadata for the guild.

Kind: instance method of GuildDiscovery
Returns: Promise.<DiscoveryMetadata> - A promise that resolves with the discovery metadata object.

guildDiscovery.edit() ⇒ Promise.<DiscoveryMetadata>

Fetches the discovery metadata for the guild.

Kind: instance method of GuildDiscovery
Returns: Promise.<DiscoveryMetadata> - A promise that resolves with the discovery metadata object.

guildDiscovery.setEmojiDiscoverabilityEnabled(emojiDiscoverabilityEnabled) ⇒ Promise.<DiscoveryMetadata>

Sets whether the emoji discoverability is enabled for the guild.

Kind: instance method of GuildDiscovery
Returns: Promise.<DiscoveryMetadata> - A promise that resolves with the updated discovery metadata object.

emojiDiscoverabilityEnabledbooleanA boolean indicating whether the emoji discoverability is enabled.

guildDiscovery.setPublished(emojiDiscoverabilityEnabled) ⇒ Promise.<DiscoveryMetadata>

Sets whether the emoji discoverability is enabled for the guild.

Kind: instance method of GuildDiscovery
Returns: Promise.<DiscoveryMetadata> - A promise that resolves with the updated discovery metadata object.

emojiDiscoverabilityEnabledbooleanA boolean indicating whether the emoji discoverability is enabled.

guildDiscovery.setAbout(about) ⇒ Promise.<DiscoveryMetadata>

Sets the description of the guild for the discovery page.

Kind: instance method of GuildDiscovery
Returns: Promise.<DiscoveryMetadata> - A promise that resolves with the updated discovery metadata object.

aboutstringThe description of the guild.

guildDiscovery.setReasonsToJoin(reasonsToJoin) ⇒ Promise.<Discovery>

Sets the “Reasons to Join” section for the associated guild in the discovery settings.

Kind: instance method of GuildDiscovery
Returns: Promise.<Discovery> - The updated discovery object.

reasonsToJoinstringThe new “Reasons to Join” section content.

guildDiscovery.setKeywords(keywords) ⇒ Promise.<Discovery>

Sets the keywords associated with the associated guild in the discovery settings.

Kind: instance method of GuildDiscovery
Returns: Promise.<Discovery> - The updated discovery object.

keywordsArray.<string>The new keywords.

guildDiscovery.setPrimaryCategoryId(keywords) ⇒ Promise.<Discovery>

Sets the keywords associated with the associated guild in the discovery settings.

Kind: instance method of GuildDiscovery
Returns: Promise.<Discovery> - The updated discovery object.

keywordsArray.<string>The new keywords.