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NewsChannel ⇐ BaseGuildChannel

Represents a news channel in a guild.

Kind: global class
Extends: BaseGuildChannel

new NewsChannel([data], guildId, client)

Constructs a new instance of the class.

[data]ObjectThe data object to initialize the instance with.
guildIdstringThe ID of the guild associated with the instance.
clientClientThe client instance associated with the instance.

newsChannel.follow(options) ⇒ Promise

Follows the channel using the specified options.

Kind: instance method of NewsChannel
Returns: Promise - A promise that resolves when the channel is successfully followed.

optionsObjectThe options for following the channel.

newsChannel.crosspost(message) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Crossposts a message to another channel.

Kind: instance method of NewsChannel
Returns: Promise.<void> - - A promise that resolves when the crossposting is complete.

messageMessageThe message to crosspost.