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ForumChannel ⇐ Channel

A class representing a forum channel on Discord.

Kind: global class
Extends: Channel

new ForumChannel([data], [guildId], [client])

[data]ObjectThe data for the forum channel
[guildId]stringThe ID of the guild that the channel belongs to
[client]ClientThe client that instantiated the channel

forumChannel.createThread([options]) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Creates a new thread in the forum channel.

Kind: instance method of ForumChannel
Returns: Promise.<Object> - The thread data

[options]ObjectThe options for the thread
[]stringThe name of the thread
[options.autoArchiveDuration]numberThe duration in minutes to automatically archive the thread
[options.rateLimitPerUser]numberThe rate limit per user for the thread in seconds
[options.reason]stringThe reason for creating the thread
[options.message]MessageThe message to use as a basis for the thread